
2015.02.05 11:58


We haven't seen you using this device before. To help protect your account, we just want to make sure it's really you. ”
To continue, please answer the security question below
1. What is the ZIP Code for your credit or debit card that ends in 13?
2. What is the phone num end with 18?


I'm really sorry to hear about this.

Since our usual password reset methods won't work for this specific situation, you'll need to contact our password specialists by phone using the following link for a manual password reset. They're available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


Please note: I kindly request you, please enter you phone number using the above link, we will call within 5 minutes.

In addition to our large selection, one of the benefits we try very hard to offer our customers is convenience. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience you experienced in this case.

We look forward to seeing you again soon.


选择“now”的话会立刻收到一个北京号码的来电,然后就是在音乐中等待客服接通(话说看到这个北京号码的时候我还一度以为会有中文客服来着T_T,果然还是太天真了啊),接通以后客服会问你账号和邮箱,然后核实最后一次使用的地址(其实我觉得他也没办法准确核实),还问了一些我是否用这个账号买过东西之类的问题,最后幸好我的账号绑定了一台Kindle 2,终于用Kindle的设备号成功获得了认证,客服会在操作以后让你立刻尝试登陆一下(我试了两次才成功,第一次还是不行),确保没有问题才会结束会话。
电话挂断以后,我一直在幻想对面的小哥是在如何吐槽我糟糕无比的英文,果然还是要继续努力啊,Duolingo test center对我的打分和评价真是一针见血

4.1 / 10 in English
Intermediate. Can understand the main points of concrete speech or writing on routine matters such as work and school. Can handle most situations that would come up while traveling where the language is spoken. Can describe experiences, ambitions, opinions, and plans, although with some awkwardness or hesitation.

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